Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Inception" is Fucking Bad Ass. Period.

"Inception" is ball-rattlingly good. This is not an opinion and there is no counter-argument to this 100% certifiable fact. It is fucking awesome and that is the end of the chat. To any dudes out there that are still sticking to their lame guns and saying that "Leonardo DiCaprio is a fag", well guess what, you're fags. That guy gets more hot ass than a toilet seat in the changing room of a Victoria's Secret fashion show. Like try and remember the hottest chick you ever banged in your life. The hammered drunk one with daddy issues and low self-esteem. Leonardo would have none of that shit. He'd piss on her and walk out of the room.

If you like cool people, explosions, gun fights, fights, cool architectural post-apocalyptic looking shit, dreams inside of dreams inside of dreams, Tom Berenger, Ellen Page's wispy form and her "I can't tell if she is hot or not" face, and shooting automatic weapons while snow skiing, then go see this movie. If you don't like those things, then go fuck yourself.

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