Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Out For Justice" was on AMC Tonight, and I Realized that I had Totally Forgotten how FUCKING AWESOME Steven Seagal Is!

Listen the fuck up Richie Modano: You think you're gonna whack Bobby Lupo at a produce stand in the middle of Bed Sty and NOT get Gino right up your fat, mustachioed ass? Think again bitch. Gino is coming for you and your whole pack of Guido assholes, and he's comin in HOT. He doesn't give a fuck what the NYPD think, he doesn't give a fuck what the mafia thinks, and he sure as goddamn shit doesn't care what your pussy-assed sentimental dad tried to plead on your behalf. So you snort that coke and you snort that coke well Richie, because your days without badly broken bones at incredibly unlikely angles are numbered, dick.

Seriously, just tell me an intersection in the history of Fuck Yeah where a badder mutherfucker than Steven Seagal hangs out. Just a tank-topped, muscle toneless, ponytailed, fringe martial artist, unidentifiable ethnic heritage ball of pure testosteroned badassery. If you watch Out For Justice and the scene comes on where he is driving around Brooklyn trying to smoke Richie out while "No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn" by the Beasties comes on, and you do NOT have a raging hard-on....well it is time to have The Talk with your doctor about Viagra my friend, because your dick is BROKE.

Fuckin-A, there is just no way I'm falling asleep tonight. I'm going to put on a beret and walk around punching 2x4's until sun-up.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the first time I saw that movie I loved the flagrant crack pipe smoking. After Richie (Forsythe) grabs that lady's head out of the car, shoots her in the face and then proceeds to smoke a huge crack pipe while driving away was grounds to cheer openly and loudly.
