Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Who the Fuck is Clint van Zandt and why does the Media Sweat his Nuts?

Nice moustache dickhole. Who is this fuckin guy anyway? Every single time the network gossip shows get tired of speculating about what may or may not have happened to cute little white kid #467 or cut up and buried in the backyard house wife #352, with no proof or concrete evidence of any kind, they cue up this asshat to wildly speculate for them. He isn't involved in any of the investigations. He sits in front of bookshelves and makes guesses that any of us at home could make ourselves after 14 beers at the bowling alley. I think he chased the Unibomber or something. Nice work on that one asshole, about 25 hands were blown to fuck before you closed it. The networks can call me on these cases and I'll give the same answers, for half the money and no moustache. Unless the moustache is a prerequisite, in which case I'll grow one, pronto-tonto.

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