Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Allison Rosati, Sweetheart, Can We Talk about this Haircut?

Allison, you are a successful news anchor over there at NBC 5.  And Chicago isn't exactly a back-water market.  There are plenty of hosts and anchors on national stations via the Windy City to prove that Chicago is a major gateway to the big time.  And who knows, maybe that is in your forecast?  But if you ever want to make it to the big time, we're going to have to have a very heartfelt and honest, friend-to-friend conversation: You need to take a cold, hard look in the mirror, and decide if this haircut is going to get you there.  I know your husband tells you it looks great every time you get home from Super Cuts.  But you know what, he just wants to fuck.  Frankly, you're lucky they don't send you to a Green Bay, Wisconsin affiliate.  Because this hairdo screams Cheesehead from the rafters.  I'll make this easy for you.  You need to head on over to Michael & Michael Salon on Chicago.  Ask for Mitch.  Dude is a fucking Jedi Knight of hair snipping.  Makes my hair look good, and I don't even have any.  Not to mention I have Charlie Brown's skull.  Therefore I'm highly confident he can do something for you more befitting of someone in your station.  He'll at least bring you into the new millennium.  And if someday down the road 1991 comes walking through that door and you're not ready for him, I'll take the blame.  Life is too short and you are too talented to continue to barrel through it with this hair helmet.  I know it is the path of least resistance to think what worked during the best years of your life will continue to work for the rest of your life.  This is not one of those cases.  If you want to leave work on Friday night and jump back into this haircut along with some faded blue mom jeans, white Payless-bought New Balance tennies, and a woodland critters sweater over a turtle neck, that is your time baby!  But when you are on the air, let's go for a little professionalism.  Deal?  


  1. Wow!!!! u r not normal......

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. LOL This is now almost 4 years later and her hair has become so much worse. I simply don't understand why a successful woman thinks having hair that looks like a helmet is a good thing. I get it's not her fault and the station must force a certain stylist on her. Actually there was a night her hair looked fantastic and I told my wife they must have finally fired the idiot who does her hair. Unfortunately it was back to horrendous the very next night.
