Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dear The Donald: You Might Want to Remove Obama's Balls from your Chin before you try to Talk Again

In an utterly stunning turn of events, The Donald's surprising streak of successful assholery came to a screeching halt this past weekend. Obama first drops the birth certificate on his ass. Which by the way, if you are a "Birther", you should be taken out behind the tool shed and raped to death with an old 2x4. No sense in wasting a bullet on your retarded ass; those cost money. The Donald did a decent job of spinning this as doing a great turn for the American people, proving their president has the right to be president. Great job Toupee, because he hasn't already been president for 2+ years. Then we fast-forward to Saturday night where Obama takes a giant Mexican food and Tequila dump right on The Donald's Chevy Chase. Roasted that asshat into the Bronze Age. Less than 24 hours later Obama is giving the green light on icing the world's #1 most wanted. Say what you will about this whole bin Laden affair, and I've said plenty. But you have to recognize the marbles it took for Obama to make this call. He could have dropped in a bunker bomb and obliterated everything close to Osama. But we would have never had the proof. So he goes with the summer action flick scenario with the Seals repelling in and shooting mutherfuckers at point blank. If that fails and Osama escapes, Barack is a GOAT. So what does The Donald do now? Hopefully shuts the fuck up. This asshole has never done anything in his life. He is a Trustafarian run amok. He took a huge inheritance and pissed it away as only a privileged assclown could. He gets by on arrogance and self-promotion. Unfortunately that is good enough in this era of bread and circus, but it doesn't make him any less a human parasite. If I'm Obama I would complete this hat trick and go +1 by pulling off a menage-a-trois with The Donald's wife and daughter. Obama is at that point where he is standing over The Donald as the The Toupee is in a death circle, and the Mortal Kombat announcer is yelling "FINISH HIM!". Banging his wife and/or daughter would ensure this fuckstick can't open his mouth in public ever again.


  1. The last time I remember seeing someone dominated as thoroughly as Trump has been by Obama over the course of the past two weeks was when Robin Ventura had the stones to charge a 46 year old Nolan Ryan's mound, only be put in a headlock and receiving what is, in my mind, the all time best physical beating ever delivered in major league baseball.

  2. Excellent analogy. Ryan bent him over the latrine, then pimped him out to the Mexicans in Cell Block 7 for Kools and chiles. My favorite part was that Ventura inexplicably tried to claim it was an even match after the game.
