Monday, July 11, 2011

Important Announcement to all People Who Picketed or Held Vigil Outside the Casey Anthony Trial:

Just fucking kill yourself.  That is all.  You bring nothing to the table.  Did you take time off work for this?  What were you hoping to accomplish?  The judge to look out the window and say, "Well, these hillbilly morons apparently think we've done this all wrong.  Retire to your respective offices and do it all over again, we'll retry this whore in 2 weeks".  The creepy-assed Jesus'y types are the ones that scare me the most.  It is like creepy assed Jesus'y people don't need jobs or income.  Who supports them?  Does Jesus do a direct-deposit into their bank accounts each month or something (and yes, it is a HUGE stretch to imagine these people have bank accounts)?  Like this chick on the left with the black t-shirt.  I'm pretty certain that is Hey-Zeus on the print, inside the fiery abyss.  What the fuck does she do all day?  Wait for the public interest story du jour to whip into a froth and then show up with some shitty hand-scrawled sign with a barely literate message and some exclamation points?  Who is paying for that sweet-ride t-shirt and arm band tattoo?  Actually I know the answer to that question.  When Jesus is no longer willing to play sugar daddy for these losers, we the taxpayer fund this stupidity.  What was I thinking?  This bitch has been on public assistance since the day after Kurt Cobain killed himself, and she hasn't been off it since.  If you were standing outside this courtroom, or were in a church in the vicinity holding vigil for poor little Kaylee, then you need to go home and take a cold, hard look in the mirror and consider what you are doing with your life.  If you like what you see and think you are doing God's work by loitering in public outside of events that have no effect whatever on your own personal life, then let's do everyone a favor and affix a bed sheet to your neck, loop the other end around the blades on the nearest ceiling fan, and flick the switch on the wall to "ON".  Other than one cameraman for NBC who will look into the crowd and say "Where is that crazy fat bitch with the Garfield sweat shirt that always holds the sign that says 'The Rain is Kaylee's Tears from Heaven' today?", no one is going to miss you.  In fact I'm willing to assume you won't be discovered until the landlord shows up in 3 months to ask where the rent is, and he smells something.   

And even more importantly, if you are at home on a computer and you are writing about how big of losers the people are who are there picketing and holding vigil.....then you are fucking awesome and bitches DIG you.  Proceed with no caution and continue spending your time writing something that 20 people read.  You ARE doing God's work.  He told me (actually God is a she, how else can you explain Oprah being a billionaire?). 


  1. It's only every so often that somebody more reprehensible -- according to public opinion, at least -- than these troglodytes comes along. They're going to take every chance at self-validation they can get.


  2. Dude you rock! How about an article on the opportunity cost having a 12" donger and retiring it to one broad?

  3. HMS--You are spot-on. Will do, asap.

  4. HMS with brilliant insight on this one!
