Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why are Dudes Compelled to Spit in Urinals?

It is a question as old as time immemorial. If you read the Bible, and you better fucking believe I read that pig every goddamn day, in Mark 7:22 we see the first reference to this age-old tradition: "As we had stopped our winebar crawl through Jerusalem so as to drain our lizards at Hebekiah's House of Grapes, so did Jesus of Nazareth steppeth unto the 2nd urinal from the left. Before Jesus blesseth the urinal with his lemonade he stoppeth and did expunge from his blessed mouth not one but two holy gobs of spit. Looking unto his faithful disciples did Jesus then proceed to whippeth it out and lay back his divine head and moan as the whiz left his being. And so it was." This is not a phenomenon I have ever been able to explain. It is one of those instinctual reflexes developed over millions of years of evolution. Its like falling and extending your arms to break your fall. In this case you approach a urinal, you spit. Why? I haven't the fucking foggiest. But everyone does it. Obama has spit in the urinal thrice already today. Hell, Hillary Clinton has probably spit in the urinal today as well. Perhaps when the urinal was invented it was thought an evil spirit lived inside, and the spitting was to prevent your dick being set on fire?

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