Friday, February 3, 2012

Susan G Komen Just Threw Up All Over Herself in Her Grave

I actually want to throw up all over myself too for having run in two of these dickhole's races in Chicago.  I want my name removed from the historical data, this despite one of them being the best race I've ever run in my life.  Due to pressure from completely right-wing hard-line religious wing nuts, Komen has pulled all funding from Planned Parenthood.  For breast cancer screenings.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Susan G Komen doesn't want PP screening women for breast cancer anymore, at least not on their dime.  Are you fucking kidding me?  It is barely complicated, but I'll take even the barely out for you here.  Group of marginally literate fucktards hijack the message in a 2,000 year old fiction novel with about 25 different authors writing off memory, many writing off memory of events they never even attended or were alive for.  Being they can barely read themselves, and have such pitifully awful fucking useless tit lives, they decide to take their interpretation of this novel to extremes and put heat on people.  Like these soulless pussies over at SGK.  So SGK agrees to pull it's $750K in funding to Planned Parenthood, because PP also does abortions.  And in classic PUSSY fashion, they are claiming it is because of some meaningless investigation going on about something unrelated.  Do you know who gets their breast cancer screenings done at PP?  It ain't Michelle Obama or Martha Fucking Stewart.  Which is to say if you can easily afford to get your breast cancer screening done at Northwestern University Hospital or the Mayo Clinic or the Cleveland Clinic, etc, you don't say, "Well, fuck it, Planned Parenthood is a little closer to my house, I'll just have it done there".  So not only is Komen cowardly denying women preventative cancer screening, they are denying it to those most in need of affordability.  Well played you sanctimonious twats.  You have shitloads of credibility now.  You know what is the most awesome part of this?  Abortions are 3% of PP's operation.  Yes, 3% OF THEIR BUSINESS IS ABORTIONS.  That is it.  We aren't talking about PP being the fucking McDonald's of fetus sucks here.  It is a small part of their extremely socially valuable operation.  And you are going to punish them for it.  Listen, I don't even give a half of one shit anymore about the abortion argument.  I just don't care.  Pro-life, Pro-choice, who is dead balls right and who is dead balls wrong?  It doesn't fucking matter.  It is a gray area and no one will ever be 100% right or wrong.  In actuality it is nothing more than a red herring thrown in front of people so they will get all red in the neck and miss the bigger picture issues that actually affect a lot of people.  I won't waste time with what side I'm on and why, because who gives a shit anyway?  Kudos to you "charity".  This doesn't mean poor women or really young women will stop having abortions.  It just means they will have them done in black market type facilities, or Tijuana, and they will have a lot more deaths and infections and complications. 

BREAKING NEWS (Reported by my wife): Komen has decided to reverse the decision to pull funding from PP!  Guess what, it doesn't change my opinion of your scumbag fucking organization, other than making me disrespect you even more.  Now I just think you are even bigger pussies who do whatever you are told by public opinion, even if you don't believe in it.  Please don't ever send me another request to participate in your shitheel race.

Also, how about Michael Bloomberg stepping up like a total fucking BOSS and pledging to fill some of the gap in funding left by the SGK void?  BOOM Mike B!  That is how it is done.  Yeah, I know he only pledged $250K per year, which for him is like me losing a dime out of my wallet.  But whatever.  That is how a baller rolls.       


  1. Well played you sanctimonious twats...FTW.

    1. Anonymous, I'm too old for that abbreviation. My best guess is "Fuck The World"?

  2. More evidence of this class-ass organization:

    1. AB--Do you know of an organization who fights and educates for cancer prevention? I'm too lazy to look for one on my own. That is who I'd prefer to support.

  3. I'm sorry you feel so strongly Mr. Giles. I know your wife very well and can't believe she would be for an organization that performs at least l.6 million abortions a year. I heard last night that the Komen organization will continue to pay for breast cancer screenings for those who need them. They don't have to fund an organization that murders the innocent under the label of "helping women" plan for "parenthood"...I'm for the investigation of my tax money going to fund any organization associated with abortion. I applaud Susan Komen organization and their courage to stand before vile comments like yours. Planned Parenthood gets millions of dollars from unsuspecting businesses, including the U.S. Government with their lies of what they "provide". If you've ever stood in front of one of their facilities and actually seen the pregnant women/girls who use these facilities going in and coming out childless, or seen pictures of an actual abortion, or talked to nurses/doctors who "used to work in these abortion clinics"...maybe you wouldn't be so hard on the Komen organization. I don't consider myself a right-wing, hard-line religious wing nut, just a Christian concerned about the moral fiber of our country. You,sir, have been sold a bill of goods if you think PP's business is only 3% of their business. Even if that was true, it's 3% too many! Don't you have a lovely little girl that's almost a year old! What if she had never happened? What if she's the next President of the U.S.? We just don't know who these precious children are that we're slaughtering. Get educated about the "real truth" of this matter! The fact that you don't care one way or the other says a lot about you. The fact that you have to use the "f" word as every part of speech, tells me you must have a pretty low vocabulary...go back to school.

    1. Nancy, Nancy, Nancy - you may not consider yourself a religious wing nut, but you sure do a great job of impersonating one if you truly are not. I take great pleasure in reading how you are a self professed Christian yet you clearly have no issue in ending your asinine rant by casting an ill-informed judgement upon Zach. How very Christian of you. Or do you only live by the Chrisitan principles which are convenient to your way of life, like so many other hypocritical religious zealots?

      We don't know each other any more than we know those classic fictional characters Adam and Eve, but I know I don't like you and your type. Take your religious fanaticism and keep it where it belongs, in your home and your church. The SCOUTS ruled long ago on abortion and no one's individual religious convictions have any place in defining legislation in this nation.

      Now, I do know Zach, in fact I know him better than most. I am proud to call him a friend and cherish the fact that I have a friend intelligent enough to form his own opinions regardless of political, religious or any other bullshit affiliation you can dream up. He stands up for his convictions and has every bit as much of a right to express them as you have a right to express yours, even if you find his humorous writing style and use of language offensive.

      Now, shove off and go wash the feet of the poor and anoint the sick in between adopting all of those unwanted children you undoubted welcome into your home - just another day being a Christian, right. Ah, fuck it, just easier to bitch at someone on a blog than actually practicing what you preach...

  4. Holy hell. First of all, this issue isn't about abortions. But, just like always, crazy right wing nutz make that their issue. Allowing the less fortunate access to prevebrative breast care is the issue. Because you are privelaged and on a soap box doesn't mean the less fortunate to suffer. Women have a choice as to what to do with their bodies. Starting from learning about birth control to avortions at PP. I have sat in a PP waiting room with a dear friend who made her own decision about what was best for her and her baby. An abortion. Yes. I witnessed it. It was the vwst decision she made for herself. HER choice. Who gives a rip if the % of abortions done is at 3??? So fucking what. Again, shouldn't be an abortion issue but yoy latched on to that. Facts are, SGK fucked up, royally and now they are chasing their tails. Also. You chap my Hyde with bringing up zach and shannons daughter. How fucking low to compare her to other women and babies. Zoey was born in to a loving, caring, safe and financially sound home. Not a whole lot of options for moms on welfare and needing the help of the great people at PP.

    You are the reason I am not religious and why I am bot a republican. You people don't know how to seperate the two and fucking Christ if those crazy nuts running for the presidency win. Fuck that will suck. Here is to hoping nobody in your family has to use PP. It's about a woman's choice.

  5. Holy hell. First of all, this issue isn't about abortions. But, just like always, crazy right wing nutz make that their issue. Allowing the less fortunate access to prevebrative breast care is the issue. Because you are privelaged and on a soap box doesn't mean the less fortunate to suffer. Women have a choice as to what to do with their bodies. Starting from learning about birth control to avortions at PP. I have sat in a PP waiting room with a dear friend who made her own decision about what was best for her and her baby. An abortion. Yes. I witnessed it. It was the vwst decision she made for herself. HER choice. Who gives a rip if the % of abortions done is at 3??? So fucking what. Again, shouldn't be an abortion issue but yoy latched on to that. Facts are, SGK fucked up, royally and now they are chasing their tails. Also. You chap my Hyde with bringing up zach and shannons daughter. How fucking low to compare her to other women and babies. Zoey was born in to a loving, caring, safe and financially sound home. Not a whole lot of options for moms on welfare and needing the help of the great people at PP.

    You are the reason I am not religious and why I am bot a republican. You people don't know how to seperate the two and fucking Christ if those crazy nuts running for the presidency win. Fuck that will suck. Here is to hoping nobody in your family has to use PP. It's about a woman's choice.

  6. Wow. The first official shitstorm hits whatsucksnow. About time...can't wait for the crusaders from Free Republic to show up and show you commies who is the boss.

    Seriously though ZG: Is Nancy the kind of company you keep up there these days?

    If that is the case, you aren't aloud to label us Athens boys as your seediest associations any longer.

    1. DRB,

      I've never met Nance, and doesn't live in this state. Luckily. Because if she did, I'm certain I'd see her with the other "Christians" at the Planned Parenthood 2 blocks from our condo. Funny thing is, if Jesus saw them all protesting and spitting on people, he'd absolutely hug the women coming out of the clinic while he had his dad consume the protesters with fire.

  7. Oh boy, this is uncomfortable...thanks Nance, you're a gem.

  8. About time someone took a what sucks now the wrong way and starts a firestorm of shit. Whoever replied to nancy was spot on and awesome, take a bow. Time to take this shit next level Giles, I want more WSN controversy! Steve C.

  9. I saw that Gingrich and Santorum both blasted Komen for reversing their decision. Santorum specifically criticized Komen for giving in to "public pressure". So it's ok for them to cave to political pressure? I'd sure the hell rather have them be more responsive to public outcry than a political agenda. Get a clue.

